Prairie Pirate Bomb

IMG_0053.JPGIt's been a while.

I could insert a Staind video here, but I don't think I should torture you with that.

However, just because I haven't written a post in a while doesn't mean I've been completely silent. I've been posting pictures and such on Instagram, and those get posted on Facebook and Twitter as well. But let's face it, I've been remiss in posting actual articles on here. I could then go on and make tons of excuses about how busy I've been, but I won't.

Let's talk about beer instead.

I was fortunate enough to get ahold of a bottle of Prairie's Pirate Bomb when it came out last week. In order to talk about Pirate Bomb, first I need to tell you about Bomb! Prairie's Bomb! is an imperial stout that's aged on espresso beans, cacao nibs, vanilla beans, and ancho chile peppers. Pirate Bomb takes Bomb! a step further by aging Bomb! in rum barrels. The only question I have is why Pirate Bomb doesn't use the exclamation point that Bomb! does.

By itself, Bomb! is a terrific beer. So how does Pirate Bomb stand up?

Pirate Bomb pours a deep black with very little brown head. Aromas of chocolate and coffee as well as a bit of rum and vanilla. The taste is layered; first you get the coffee, which then gives way to the chocolate and vanilla as well as a small amount of rum, and it's finished off with the chiles, which burn nicely. The longer Pirate Bomb is in your mouth, the more it burns. A true sipping beer, it's a thick liquid with little carbonation and 14% ABV in those 12 ounces.

Probably the only way to find Pirate Bomb at this point is through a trade. Unfortunately, I only was able to pick up one bottle. In November Barrel Aged Bomb! is coming, which is Bomb! aged in Balcones whiskey barrels. Hopefully I'll be able to grab some of that as well.