Harp Lager

While I was at the store today, I picked up a six-pack of Harp.  Knowing that it's one of Ryan's favorite beers, I was hoping for good things.  It poured a nice golden color with a head that dissipated fairly quickly.  However, on my first sip I could only think of one thing: Bud Light.  Drinking a bit more, it has a better flavor than Bud Light but still seems to sit in that category despite its Irish heritage.

That's the great thing about beer though; what one person doesn't like may be the next person's favorite.  With so many styles and flavors, there's something for everyone.  So even though Harp isn't my favorite doesn't mean no one should drink it.  You just might think it's awesome despite my less than shining words tonight.

As a final note, the bottle clearly states this was brewed in Canada.  I wonder if a batch brewed in Ireland would taste differently.