Wells Bombardier

I'm writing from home because my phone died at the Flying Saucer (BetaMouse fail, I know).

The final beer of the evening was Wells Bombardier. It was included with the Christmas glass and probably chosen for its reddish hue and inexpensive price. Honestly I wasn't very thrilled with the beer; very weak taste and overall tasted like water compared to the prior two.

More on the glass: at first I was less than impressed by just looking at a picture on a sign with special care instructions. Seeing the actual glass only made me feel slightly better. However, I'm a bit happier now. Here's why.

At first it's just a shaker glass with unusual frosting, but with cold liquid inside, it reveals its secret.

I actually didn't notice the color changing until after I had left. This improved the glass quite a bit. The green bottom is pretty cool too.

That's all from me tonight. Hope you enjoyed this semi-live blogging from the Flying Saucer in Houston!