Chimay Red

This is not the correct beer for Cinco de Mayo (thank you Katie for telling us all about Cinco de Mayo, by the way), but it's what I had in the fridge. To be honest, my usual drink for Cinco de Mayo is a Grand Gold margarita from Little Pappacitos, but we didn't make it out this year with friends of ours to have one. Chimay Red hails not from south of the border but all the way from Belgium. It's known as a Trappist ale, which means it was brewed in a monastery by monks.

Chimay Red has been sighted on the menu at ESPN Club, and is a good choice if you are dining there. It's not an overpowering beer, but has a roasted flavor along with perhaps a bit of a fruit tang. Unfortunately, tonight you would stick out like a sore thumb holding a chalice of this. You're better off with Katie's pick on the 5th of May. Happy Cinco de Mayo!