Saint Arnold Divine Reserve #9 – 19 Months Later

Check out the photo from my new photography studio! It may or may not be made from a cardboard box, tissue paper, masking tape, and poster board. But that's not why you're here... on with the beer!

I previously reviewed Divine Reserve #9 by Saint Arnold about 12 months after its release; it was still delicious and perhaps even better than it tasted when first released. Here we are now about 19 months after it had been bottled and it's still very good.

The pumpkin stout still has a spicy, almost pumpkin pie like quality in both its scent and flavor. Cinnamon is a dominant flavor, with a hint of coffee in there as well. This beer is also about 10% ABV, but the taste of alcohol is nearly non-existent. The strength of the flavor has come down even further, however. The taste is even more muted than it was at 12 months. I think the 12 month version was a little better than this.

I have good news for those of you who are looking to taste this beer; Saint Arnold has decided to make it part of its seasonal lineup! The seasonal version of Divine Reserve #9 will be called The Pumpkinator, and its first release is scheduled for Fall 2011.

I've been saving these bottles to taste every so often as Saint Arnold even mentioned the beer would age well. Now, however, I feel less inclined to save them because I know the beer will be back on the shelves. I still plan to revisit an aged bottle at around the two year mark, but I also will be picking up some fresh bottles. It really is a good beer to have around during Thanksgiving and Christmas as it fits the season well and is absolutely delicious.