Shiner Bohemian Black Lager

Shiner Bohemian Black Lager is the second beer in the Shiner Family Reunion six pack (I previously reviewed Shiner Bock). This beer, also known as a Schwarzbier, was first brewed for Spoetzel Brewery's 97th anniversary, and is a somewhat unusual style. It's a lager beer, but has some of the smells and flavor of a stout ale. This is the first Schwarzbier I've tasted.

It has light scents of coffee and chocolate, and has a similar taste; coffee with a bit of sweetness as well as a good deal of roasted flavor. If there were such a thing as a "light" stout (like Bud Light is to Budweiser), this might be what it would taste like. It feels thinner than Guinness in my opinion.

This is my first experience with a black lager, and it's fairly good. I think I'd prefer a stout ale to this because the flavor is quite subdued, but I'm still enjoying it. So far, the Shiner Family Reunion has been pretty good; I still have four more beers to go!