Coney Island Albino Python

I was visiting family over the Fourth of July weekend, and while looking through the local grocery store's beer I happened to see one Lindsey Weeramuni suggested to us on Twitter a couple of weeks ago. Coney Island Albino Python is brewed by the Shmaltz Brewing Company in Saratoga Springs, NY. It's described as a white lager with spices.

This white lager is smooth with some spices in the flavor whose flavor I can't quite place. It's pleasant enough to drink with a wheat base which the spices intertwine with. Albino Python ends with a dry, clean finish.

The website for Shmaltz Brewing Company is, which separates the brews into the He'Brew beers and the Coney Island beers. It seems the He'Brew beers are all ales, while the Coney Island series consists of lagers.

It's also interesting to note that a portion of the proceeds from the Coney Island lagers go toward Coney Island USA, a non-profit organization whose mission is "to defend the honor of lost forms of American popular arts and culture, leading the renaissance in Brooklyn's historic Coney Island neighborhood." So not only is it a good beer, but you can drink it knowing you're supporting the protection of history.