Samuel Adams Latitude 48 IPA

Yes, it's time for another Samuel Adams beer that will be served at Hops and Barley during this year's Epcot International Food and Wine Festival.

Latitude 48 IPA is brewed year-round and is Sam Adams' standard India Pale Ale. I like the idea behind this one; it's called Latitude 48 because the three hop varieties used in this beer are from Germany, England, and America. These hops all grow around the 48th latitude of the northern hemisphere and Sam Adams has blended them together to make this IPA.

Latitude 48 is another good representation of a beer style from Samuel Adams. The ale is clear and copper-colored with a nice head that stuck around for a while. Its light citrus scent is the prelude to a moderately hoppy bitter taste with some sweetness, but not a whole lot. The finish leaves the mouth dry. A good example of an IPA and one that might allow new IPA drinkers to get used to the style without completely overpowering the palate.

As mentioned earlier, Latitude 48 will be at Hops and Barley during the Food and Wine Festival. It was also recently spotted at Crew's Cup Lounge by Jen, Laura, and Liz; collectively they are known as VBsHustla on Twitter. In the grand scheme of things, this is one that's easy to find at the store, so if you happen to miss it during Food and Wine it's not a huge loss.