New Belgium Hoptober


Plain and simple this is a great drinking Golden ale. This is not however a simple beer. Made with 4 malts on top of the base malt and 5 hops this complex flavored beer is well balanced and very refreshing. This seasonal beer is available every year from August to October. If you are able to pick one up I would highly recommend it.

Made with Pale 2-Row base malt, Crystal 80 malt, Rye, Oats and Wheat. With the complexity of this grain bill the brewer would have to be a bit concerned with throwing too many different flavor characteristics to the average drinker. The brewer did a great job in presenting a full flavored beer with not making one ingredient stand out over another. I normally don't prefer beers with rye but this beer had a good balance of rye with other malts and a strong base or backbone of a high quality highly modified 2-row malt.

The hop variety used in this beer produce a citrus flavor that will make any hop lover not want to put this beer down. The one thing that I did enjoy about this beer was the aroma that was like sticking your nose into a handful of fresh picked hops.

Thanks for reading and hopefully you'll find this beer and be able to enjoy it as much as I did while writing this for you.