Beers and Ears Version 3.0!

If you visited the site yesterday, you may have seen the "soft opening" of Beers and Ears version 3.0. Over the past couple of months the site has been rebuilt from scratch to take advantage of advances in web technology and to provide a more consistent appearance. The general structure of the site is very similar to the previous version; however, the code behind it has been simplified and is much cleaner.

Removing the hodgepodge of various default social media buttons was one of the first items undertaken. The buttons were moved to the top right to reduce clutter in the sidebar. These new custom buttons will take you to our Twitter, Facebook and Google+ profiles along with our RSS feed. Underneath each post are a set of useful sharing buttons that are also pleasing to look at instead of the standard buttons slapped under each post. We've added a few new ones also, including Pinterest and Digg.

[caption id="attachment_5171" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="L to R: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Dismarks, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Digg"][/caption]

The beer lists have been prettied up. More importantly, the beer detail pages have been given a better design and locations everywhere have more information associated with them in order to better identify where a beer can be found (a similar change was just made to our Walt Disney World Beer List iPhone app).

Be sure to have a look around and acquaint yourself with the new design; it's similar enough that it shouldn't feel foreign to those used to the previous version. The site looks best in Chrome and Firefox; the site works in Internet Explorer but some of the effects are missing because of Internet Explorer only somewhat supports CSS3.

We hope you enjoy the newest version of the site!