Michelob Ultra

In case you didn't read yesterday's Bud Light article, here is a recap of the events that led to this review in rage comic format.

After first having the Bud Light, I thought even among these less than satisfactory beers it could only get better. Fortunately, I was correct. I next ordered a Michelob Ultra.

Michelob Ultra is one of the newer light lagers in the United States. It was introduced in 2002 and emphasizes its low carb, low calorie content as a healthier beer option. I've even seen it served at fitness events to promote the beer.

Again, I didn't have a glass so this is straight from the bottle; it's tough to discern scents and such with a bottle. Of course, Michelob Ultra may not have much of a scent. The unappealing flavors of Bud Light are not present in this beer. It has a bit of a corn flavor, sweet with a very light bitterness. It's watery and not very good, but not offensive either.

If you're staring down the barrel of a bad beer menu like I was, picking Michelob Ultra wouldn't be your worst choice. I had one more beer on Friday; check back later for that review!