Kirin Ichiban

[caption id="attachment_5613" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Kirin Ichiban"]Ichi for short?[/caption]Now I have to admit I did not have too much knowledge about this brewery or beer. Then on my trip to Trader Joe's I found they have a few of these. I couldn't help myself but pick a couple of bottles up since one of my favorite things about TJ's is they sell the bottles individually not just by the six-pack. The one thing that caught my eye from the label was that this is a 100% malt beer. Unlike many other light lagers that add corn or rice to make the beer cheaper, I was looking forward to tasting this as I believe it could have a more prominent bread or toast like flavor. Let's examine this beer details.

Aroma: Crisp clean malt sweetness. There is a faint bready character and almost unnoticeable yeast scent that adds to the bread aroma.

Appearance: This is like most other light lager in that it's brilliantly clear. This has less bubbles than most light lagers (especially the Corona) and a thin white head that is staying through the tasting. It is lighter than the pale yellow of the Heineken, but more yellow/golden than the Corona from earlier today.

Flavor: The balance of this beer is a malt sweetness that last through almost all of the tasting experience, then at the very end there is a hint of hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel: There is a light body, but you should find this to be a more enjoyable lager as the more pure ingredient selection will help provide the balanced experienced.

Overall: As expected the sweetness does have a different taste profile than the other light lagers I've tasted and reviewed recently. This is a higher quality beer than most american lagers and as I hope/expect from what the label says the beer is closely observed in the process from a Brewery rep at the A-B brewery in California. So as long as A-B doesn't change the process this should be a good beer for years to come.

I'd say this is a good all-around beer that you can enjoy with just about any meal or for when your thirsty and want a light crisp refreshing beverage. Now hopefully I can scratch up enough time to review another beer tonight as I have a few more that I really enjoy in my fridge.

With that in mind, what's in your fridge? Leave a comment and tell us what you have that you enjoy.