Rogue Dead Guy Ale

Oregon is ranked fourth nationally in craft breweries per capita and is a state known for beer-friendly laws. It's no surprise, then, that many great craft breweries have been founded there. Among them is Rogue Ales, which started as a brewpub in Ashland, OR and has since expanded to a number of brewpubs in Oregon, Washington and California.

One of their most popular brews is Dead Guy Ale. It was originally brewed for the Mayan Day of the Dead celebration for an Oregon establishment called Casa U Betcha. The popularity exploded and the German maibock style beer has won 26 awards.

Poured from a 22 oz bottle into a pilsner glass, the brew is a clear reddish-orange with a nice thick white head. Clean grain and malt fill the nose. Lots of flavors here; some sweet honey and fruit flavors up front, which then turns into roasted barley and grassy flavors along with a bit of a hop bitterness. The carbonation is fairly mild but pleasing and the finish is fairly dry. This is a quite enjoyable beer and one I could drink plenty of.

Katie was at Todd English's bluezoo over the weekend and thanks to her bluezoo has been added to our Walt Disney World Beer List and iOS app. It just so happens that Dead Guy Ale is one of the beers featured there. In addition, Dead Guy Ale can be found at Raglan Road. Rogue is also distributed to most states in the United States as well as some of Canada, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get your hands on some Dead Guy Ale, which I highly recommend you do.