Abita Beer Flight at Boatwright’s Dining Hall

For some reason, every time I see Abita, I think of Scott.  So while having dinner at Boatwright's Dining Hall, I had to have the Abita sampler in his honor.

I've had Purple Haze a bunch of times and enjoy it but never had a chance to try the Amber or the Turbodog until now.

[caption id="attachment_6193" align="aligncenter" width="605"] From right to left: The Amber, Purple Haze, Turbodog[/caption]


They described this beer as a Munich-style lager and I really enjoyed it.  Little hint of caramel and nice and smooth.  According to their site, it was the first beer offered by the brewery and is still their best seller.  That surprised me since I always only see Purple Haze around me.  The Amber went really well with all the food we had at Boatwright's.

Purple Haze:

You guys know I love my wheat beers but I think I actually have to say that I liked the Amber better!  Still a fan of Purple Haze though so don't worry too much.  You can taste the raspberries but they aren't overpowering.  It's a refreshing drink and I think if you like the Blue Moon's of the world, you'll like this different twist on a wheat.


A nice dark brown ale and I tasted a little chocolate in there.  It was nice and smooth and I really enjoyed it.  I would definitely order this again next time I see it somewhere!