Abita Satsuma Harvest Wit

Football season is back! Who doesn't enjoy sitting back on the couch and drinking a beer while watching  your favorite team? Unless, of course, you're actually going to the game!

Abita Satsuma Harvest Wit is part of Abita's Harvest series, which uses Louisiana-grown ingredients to add to the flavor of the beer. Here's Abita's description of the beer:
Abita Satsuma Harvest Wit is brewed with pilsner, wheat malts and oats. It is made with real Louisiana satsumas and spiced with coriander and orange peel. This unfiltered brew has a slightly cloudy appearance with a subtle citrus flavor and aroma.
So what are satsumas? They're smaller and usually sweeter, but very similar to oranges. Satsumas are popular in the southern United States and usually come out once a year for a limited time.

Like satsumas, Abita Satsuma Harvest Wit only comes out once a year in July or so. I had this one a few years ago and didn't like it at all; my wife actually bought this six pack. So have my tastes changed?

Satsuma Wit pours a cloudy golden color with a one-finger or so white head. Lots of wheat in the nose with a little citrus. The scent was definitely a hint of the flavor; wheat up front with a bit of satsuma and spice. It also has a sugary flavor in the finish that's a little off-putting. Definitely a witbier style, but the satsuma is subtle. Dry finish, medium carbonation.

I definitely like this beer more than I did a few years ago, but there's still something a little off about it. The sugary flavor in the finish is strange and a bit unpleasant. The rest of it isn't bad, though. I would have liked more satsuma flavor.