Lagunitas Brown Shugga’

Can you feel it in the air? It's almost my favorite time of year. Christmas.

Chilly nights, hustle and bustle, twinkling lights, egg nog, and shit show family gatherings filled with alcohol. Oh, just my family?

In the spirit of the season all your favorite breweries will soon be releasing their holiday ales. It's as if December should actually be called eat until you throw up and drink like the local neighborhood lush month.

And I'm here to review the only holiday ale you need to try and provide you the link to my Amazon Christmas Wishlist. I kid..

Lagunitas Brown Shugga'

Remember last year when Lagunitas came up with that lame ass excuse and did NOT produce this beer? They gave us Holiday Sucks instead (my review here). And that is fine and dandy and all but man, it is just not up to par with Shugga'. Sucks was like a kiss without any tongue-- really good but could definitely be just that much better. Come on, you agree.

I digress.

Brown Shugga' is a damn strong ale. It is 9.9%. So drinker beware, drinking Brown Shugga' will probably cause you to:

Be "that" guy/girl.
Say inappropriate things.
Giggle like a six year old.
Laugh at other's misfortunes.
Be this hungover at work (don't judge).

And really you can do so much with this beer. You could feed it to your cat by a window.


You could take it as a little treat to someone's house and then force them to watch Ace Ventura When Nature Calls.




You could drink it while watching an awkward video of the brewer drinking it.



I mean, realistically, you could also sneak a half bottle into your morning pumpkin spice latte at work. I'm not saying I did that...

I'm just saying.

So in conclusion, I'm more than up to you bringing a six pack of Brown Shugga' over to my apartment.  I'll provide the Christmas-y treats and embarrassing stories you'll tell your friends about later, you provide the beer.

Also thank you to Lagunitas for branding this box with the best pick up line to use at this Holiday season's parties. "How come you taste so good?"

Use that. You're welcome.