Sierra Nevada Bigfoot 2013

Sasquatch is on the loose!


One of the beers in Sierra Nevada's High Altitude series, Bigfoot Barleywine-Style Ale was born the same year I was. Each year in the winter, Bigfoot comes out of hiding and onto store shelves. Each year's batch is clearly dated and beer fans enjoy collecting each edition and aging them. Vertical tastings often occur around this beer; several years' bottles in a row are sampled to taste the differences. This is the first year I've been able to grab some; unusually, it's been on the shelf at my local grocery store for a while now.
Bigfoot is a beast of a beer, brimming with flavor from massive amounts of roasted malt and spicy hops; brewed in the barleywine style, with a rich, bittersweet body and whole-cone Pacific Northwest hops.

Pouring into a large tulip tulip, Bigfoot has a tan head with nice lacing on the glass. Deep red color with copper highlights. Complex aroma with some sweetness, a bit of hops, and grass. The taste is complex as well; sweetness of dark fruits first, followed by a roasted malt flavor and a bunch of bitterness from the hops. This bitterness lingers on the palate for a long time. A very good beer for sipping as it's thicker with some prickly carbonation.

I will definitely be aging a couple of these to see how the flavors develop as time goes on, and hopefully I will be able to pick up future editions to make comparisons.