Abita Jockamo IPA
January 7th, 2011 by Scott in Other Beer Reviews
Since LSU is playing in the Cotton Bowl tonight I held off from drinking the last St. Bernardus and instead picked up a Jockamo IPA from Abita. The name is based on a song called “Iko Iko” about two “tribes” of Mardi Gras Indians. “Iko Iko” has been played by many bands but The Dixie Cups’ version might be the best known. A line in the song includes “Jockamo fe na ne”, hence the name of the beer.
It’s pretty good; not my absolute favorite IPA but quite tasty. The beer smells and tastes hoppy, but only has a 6.5% alcohol content. Seems a little on the light side for an IPA in my opinion. Still, it’s worth a try if you come across it!
Bob Basl
Looks tasty! Also, always liked that song, but could never figure out the lyrics. Saw The Dead do it around’91. Thanks for the bit of trivia.