All Posts in the ‘Walt Disney World Beer Reviews’ Category

2015 Epcot Food and Wine Festival Review: Palm Spéciale
Belgium. You’ve heard me complain about the lackluster selection at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival’s Belgium booth for years. For years it’s been fully populated by AB-InBev beers and Disney hasn’t really tried to make it any better, despite Belgium being one of the greatest beer countries in the world. Palm, however, is not… → Read More

2015 Epcot Food and Wine Festival Review: BrewDog Punk IPA
Did somebody say punk? [responsive_youtube] Perhaps something more recent? [responsive_youtube] Today is the beginning of the 2015 Epcot International Food and Wine Festival! Let’s talk. First, the Food and Wine Festival Beer List and iOS app are updated. A couple of locations are still being pinned down, so the locations may shift in the next… → Read More

2015 Epcot Food and Wine Festival Review: SweetWater Take-Two Pils
Did you miss me? It’s not like I’ve been radio silent; I’ve been posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, the site itself is long overdue for a new article, so let’s get on with it. Have you heard the full menus for the 2015 Epcot International Food and Wine Festival are up? I’m going to… → Read More

2015 Flower & Garden Beer Reviews – Take 1
Ready for a long post??? A few weekends ago my friends and I headed over to Epcot to check out the 2015 Flower and Garden Festival that kicked off March 4th. This and Food & Wine are easily my two favorite times of the year at Epcot, for obvious reasons. Since I’ve been such a… → Read More

Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale
Happy New Year! Not too long ago Disney updated its standard beer menu. We’ve mentioned it on social media and updated our beer list with the new information (check out a page like Chef Mickey’s to see the new standard menu), but we haven’t really looked at the new beers yet. Some, like Lagunitas IPA,… → Read More

Einstök Icelandic Doppelbock
What’s this? Jenn is actually posting a Disney beer review??? I know, I’m just about as shocked as all of you guys are. I keep saying I need to post more on here (as I’m sure Scott is tired of hearing as well) but it’s true. So anyways, while in Hollywood Studios two weeks ago,… → Read More

2014 Pumpkin Beer Recap
I’ve had several pumpkin beers this fall. Instead of writing a bunch of articles on them, I’m going do a recap instead to clear the slate a bit as the holiday beers start to appear in stores (Brown Shugga’, I’m waiting for you). Southern Tier Warlock Warlock is the imperial stout version of Southern Tier’s Pumking,… → Read More

Stella Artois Cidre
InBev decided to expand the Stella Artois line by adding a cider, or “Cidre”. I guess that’s supposed to make it sound fancy. The bottle also claims that it’s made with hand-picked apples. Is it? Who knows. I picked up this bomber (24 ounces) of Cidre for around $6.00 at the store. At the 2014… → Read More

Dogfish Head Punkin Ale
I wanted to write this one before Food and Wine started, but I didn’t make it to the store until a couple of days ago. However, given the recent confirmation regarding the pour sizes and prices at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival this year, let’s talk about that first. A bottle of Dogfish Head… → Read More

2014 Epcot Food and Wine Festival Beer Survival Guide
The 2014 Epcot International Food and Wine Festival is here, and with that comes the Beers and Ears beer survival guide with all you need to know about beer at Food and Wine in one place! First, have you downloaded the Food and Wine Festival Beer List app for iOS? Or for non-iOS devices, have… → Read More