Breckenridge Vanilla Porter
May 8th, 2011 by Scott in Other Beer Reviews
Breckenridge, Colorado, home of hundreds of inches of snow annually, is also home to Breckenridge Brewery. Tonight I’m drinking Vanilla Porter, and something tells me they may spend too much time snowed in.
First, the bottle for this Vanilla Porter confuses me. “Seldom Seen, Never Duplicated” is the first slogan. I didn’t exactly hunt for this beer; it was in the rack for the make your own six pack at the local grocery store. “Seldom seen” doesn’t really seem to apply in my case. Just below that in larger letters are “Remarkable – Partakable”. We’ll get to remarkable in a minute, but spell check doesn’t even like the word partakable. The first result on Google for partakable is from the Urban Dictionary, and it has nothing to do with consuming food/drink (I’ll let you Google that yourself, as Urban Dictionary in general is a bit NSFW even though this particular entry isn’t that bad).
Remarkable… well I guess they have me there since I’m posting my remarks on the beer. As a porter goes, it’s a bit on the light side. I definitely taste the vanilla in it, which weakens the coffee taste that usually goes along with porters. I’m not a big fan of coffee, so that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Combine this with the lightness of the liquid though, and the whole thing just feels weak. I’m not going to pour it out or anything, but I was hoping for more from Vanilla Porter.
ahhhh such potential! 🙁
Scott Post author
Yeah, I was disappointed too. It just sounded so good.
Adam Weeks
Man, I love this beer! You’re definitely the first person I’ve heard who doesn’t. Had some directly at the brewery and now at home too. I can see how if you don’t like coffee how you wouldn’t like this though.