The Bruery Tart of Darkness (2013 Edition)

January 27th, 2014 by in Other Beer Reviews

Tart of Darkness

Remember when I went to Stein’s Deli and picked up six different beers from The Bruery?



Here’s the first I tried: Tart of Darkness.

IMG_0508Aged in oak barrels, this sour stout is a strong but not overpowering 7% ABV. It pours a deep dank black with a small tan head. Despite being a stout, the real aroma here is strong sour with very little of the usual roasted scents. The first sip is very similar; quite sour and full of fruit including sour cherries, some lemon, and strawberry. The prickly carbonation makes the sour flavor dissipate on the palate for a somewhat dry finish. As the liquid warms a bit of the roasted flavor comes out, but it’s subtle and the sour flavors are up front.

The Bruery’s beers are just starting to be seen in Louisiana and are also available in Florida. Unfortunately, they’re not in Texas yet so to get any more I’ll have to head back to Louisiana.

If you’re heading out to Disneyland, The Bruery is only about 15-20 minutes away from Disneyland and would make a nice side trip for a tasting!

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