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Chicago Blonde Ale

I have a Friday night date with a hot Chicago Blonde!


I absolutely love this Duvel glass I just got in a gift set with four 11.2oz bottles of this delicious ale. Expect to see it often in my photos. In Houston we have a liquor store called Spec’s that Lindsay and Jacqueline are also familiar with. The set was only $15 at Spec’s; I’ve seen… → Read More

Abita Turbodog

As many of you know, I’m from New Orleans. Thus, Abita is as close to a hometown brewery as it gets for me (it’s actually on the north shore of Lake Pontchatrain, while New Orleans and its suburbs are on the south shore). Turbodog is a dark ale with a smokey taste. I’m a bit… → Read More

I’ll Give it a Whirl

Kinda like Blue Moon, but not!

Dogfish Head Theobroma

Tonight I’m drinking Dogfish Head Theobroma, an ale suggested to me by @MinnieMGirl on Twitter. From the bottle: “Theobroma, or ‘Food of the Gods,’ is a recreation of the premier chocolate beverage of the Americas, intended only for the gods, kings, and the elite. This liquid time capsule is based on the earliest chemical and… → Read More

As recommended by @hwork

It’s really good!


in honor of @nortyuk

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