Abita Turbodog

December 11th, 2010 by in Walt Disney World Beer Reviews

As many of you know, I’m from New Orleans. Thus, Abita is as close to a hometown brewery as it gets for me (it’s actually on the north shore of Lake Pontchatrain, while New Orleans and its suburbs are on the south shore).

Turbodog is a dark ale with a smokey taste. I’m a bit jealous right now actually because Abita is having cask nights in New Orleans over the next few days with special bourbon-barrel aged Turbodog and I’m not going to be able to make it to one.

  • Bob Basl

    Looks good! Enjoyed the Abita Amber at bar at Port Orleans – French Quater this summer. Had the Purple Haze while visiting the actual French Quarter a few years ago. Not a big fan. Too fruity.


    • Scott

      Amber will probably show up here eventually. If I get the party box of Abita (2 Amber, 2 Purple Haze, 2 Turbodog, 2 Jockamo IPA, 2 Restoration Ales, and 2 Seasonal), my wife usually drinks the Purple Haze. It’s not bad and I’ll drink it, but it’s not my favorite either.


      • LostBoy_Craig

        I have had a few of Abita’s beers but feel the Turbodog is the best I have had. I have only had turbodog on tap. I remember hints of coffee and chocolate and being very smooth.


        • Scott

          Jockamo is a good one if you like IPAs. People go crazy for the Strawberry Harvest Abita puts out in March or so, but honestly in recent years it hasn’t had much strawberry in it at all. I’m sure I’ll be posting more Abita beers; right now I don’t have a single one in the house though.


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