Terrapin Rye Pale Ale

June 14th, 2013 by in Walt Disney World Beer Reviews

On my never ending quest to find out what beers tickle my fancy, I realized I’ve never had a Rye Pale Ale. So of course, when Disney World updated their drink menu awhile back and added Terrapin Rye to their offerings, I quickly ordered one. Plus, I love turtles..or terrapins…so I had to.

From Terrapin’s site

By using an exact amount of rye, a grain seldom found in other micro brewed beers, the Rye Pale Ale acquires its signature taste. Made with five varieties of hops and a generous amount of specialty malts, it offers a complex flavor and aroma that is both aggressive and well balanced – a rare find among beers.

The Terrapin Rye Pale Ale was released in Athens, GA in April of 2002 at the Classic City Brew Fest. Six months later this beer which was sold only in Athens was awarded the American Pale Ale Gold Medal at the 2002 Great American Beer Festival, the most prestigious competition in North America. We hope you will agree with our peers in the brewing industry that this is truly one of the best pale ales in the country.

** Apologize the pic is slightly out of focus. Attempting to take a pic at the bar in the Wave was slightly challenging!

Terrapin Rye Pale Ale

So, apparently my beer friends have all failed to mention that Rye Pale Ales taste very similar to IPA’s. They’re even sometimes called Rye-P-A’s. Yes, I know…duh, I should have figured that out but still. My brain was apparently not working. Well? Religious readers of this blog will know that I am NOT a fan of IPA’s. Don’t like the hoppiness. So the Terrapin Rye fell into that same ‘Meh’ category for me. Way too hoppy for my taste buds so I pawned it off on one of my friends.

Looking at the rest of the Terrapin lineup, the rest of their offerings sound great…except for maybe the Hopsecutioner. That whole hoppy thing again. I do believe Scott will be doing a review on that one soon though so keep an eye out!

I do love how Disney is broadening their beer offerings though even on their standard menu!

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