Dos Equis
May 5th, 2011 by Katie in Disneyland Resort Beer Reviews, Walt Disney World Beer Reviews
Oh hai! I’m super excited, because even though I’ve held a log in to my favorite site ever (this one, guys, this one) for quite some time, this is my first post! And how fitting for it to be on a lovely holiday to drink on, Cinco de Mayo!
What is Cinco de Mayo? Well according to Wikipedia, the most trustworthy site on the internets, it means the “fifth of May”. Talk about literal. It also celebrates the “Battle of Puebla” and a lot of Americans drinking Dos Equis and margaritas on a warm spring day.
First of all, I must warn you readers. I don’t take my beer super seriously. I like to try new beers with new food and enjoy it but I couldn’t tell you about spices or fruit. However, I’ll try to make these posts as ridiculously fun as possible to keep your interest despite my incredibly lack of knowledge of this brew.
Dos Equis is a mexican beer made by the Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery. It was originally called “Twentieth Century”. (Wikipedia, people)
I honestly feel like this might be the Mexican Miller Lite. And I say, “Cheers Dos Equis!” I’ll keep drinking your light, cheap taste. Especially on this day of which I don’t really know why I’m celebrating!
Cheers Beers and Ears! Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Bob Basl
Try the amber version, its good too! Don’t forget the lime.