
March 12th, 2012 by in Disneyland Resort Beer Reviews, Walt Disney World Beer Reviews


Where’s the Extra?

Here I go again, taking one for the team. Corona is actually an interesting beer when you consider the history and even look at the beer style this fits into. Before I bore you all to sleep, that is if you are still reading this. Corona as we all know is made in Mexico, but the beer is very close to its origins of being a German lager. So yes while you should drink a Corona with your tacos or burritos at the Mexico Pavilion you can then take it on the road down to Biergarten and have it with your kraut. Not that I would ever do that as I’d be afraid of upsetting my ancestors. So here we go, let’s break this beer down.

Aroma:     Sweet Malty hints with corn sweetness and an accents of floral hops. There is also a presence of clear-bottle-itis, aka skunk aroma. Fortunately this is early in the conversion of the hop oils so it is not that strong.

Appearance:     Very clear and very light yellow straw color. There is a thin white foam head that seems to be fairly persistent at this time. Appearance of many medium to large sized bubbles. (Note to self, next time I’m washing my beer glasses I need to scrub a little firmer and rinse more thoroughly.) I remember that the Amstel light was a very clear beer but I’m surprised as how clear and almost see through this is. There’s barely any yellow color compared to the Heineken and the Amstel Light.

Flavor: I have been waiting a while before I actually taste this as with most times that I drink this there is a stronger presence of carbonic bite when it’s enjoyed at a colder temp. One of the reasons I think that many do and preferably should add a lime to this beer to counter that bite. First thing that I noted while drinking this is the corn sweetness with the watery feel. There is almost no hop presence except towards the very end of swallowing. Then it’s mainly a bitterness with some floral hints. This is definitely a sweet watery bubbly beer.

Mouthfeel: This is a very refreshing and light beer, which makes me wonder since this is the Corona Extra not the Corona Light. There was plenty of bubbles to give a good body and make this an enjoyable beer to drink.

Overall: I would encourage the average drinker to give the beer a few minutes before drinking this beer so as to give it a little time present its fullest flavor and body.

OK I have to say after having this and the Heineken and the Amstel Light, I would prefer this over the other two. Next up though is the Kirin Ichiban. I have some appointments to run this afternoon so once I get home I’ll taste the Kirin and give a comparison of that with the other three.

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