All Posts by Katie Rose

The Five Hoppy Beers That Will Make You Like Hoppy Beers

I’m starting a new series on Beers and Ears…   I kid. But here is a list. A wonderful list. A top five list for your Friday. Because I’m sick and tired of hearing you all say “I don’t like hoppy beers”. Fools. I kid.   5. Founder’s All Day IPA 4. Coronado Islander IPA… → Read More

Beer Fest B!tches!

’tis the season. No, not Christmas. ’tis the season of wine and beer fests. So true, right? I attended probably my favorite beer fest to date a couple of weekends ago and I wanted to do a quick review. The Summer Time Brews Fest is a yearly event in Greensboro, NC and it is a… → Read More

Craft Beer Corner – Hops Burger Bar Greensboro, NC

I’m starting a new series on B&E. Sorry I didn’t tell you before Scott. And I’m excited! It’s called Craft Beer Corner where we can review restaurants/bars/shacks/whatever local to us or not that boast to serve primarily the craft beer. The B&E type beer. The KIDANIKATIE worthy beer. *shakes fist at sky* I had this… → Read More

Lagunitas Undercover Investigation Shutdown

First and foremost. How many spelling errors do you think will be in this post? Second. I got a puppy. Third. (Thirdly?) Stock photo. Have I found my favorite beer? No. Because that’s like picking a favorite kid, you can’t, you love them equally. However, you do go through times/seasons, if you will, where you… → Read More

Westbend Winery AND Brewery

I think you all should come to NC. 1. I’m here. So… and 2. There are a ton of wineries! Now, this is not a wine blog. Believe me, sometimes I wish it were. But that’s okay, maybe one day. Scott? Anyway, the best thing about one of the best Yadkin Valley wineries is that… → Read More

Devil Dog Imperial IPA

And hello. You probably don’t remember me seeing as how my motivation to write blog posts is somewhat like my motivation to clean this house after a party. So you know, not there. As I experiment with other beers instead of relying solely on Lagunitas to fuel my alcoholism, I find that, man, there are… → Read More

Great Lakes Christmas Ale

Christmas! Ale. Great Lakes Christmas Ale to be exact. I reviewed another seasonal holiday ale here. And this is my other favorite. Let me tell you a story about this ale. One year for Christmas Eve (the major celebration day in our family), I decided to be a tiny little domestic goddess and do Christmas… → Read More

Lagunitas Brown Shugga’

Can you feel it in the air? It’s almost my favorite time of year. Christmas. Chilly nights, hustle and bustle, twinkling lights, egg nog, and shit show family gatherings filled with alcohol. Oh, just my family? In the spirit of the season all your favorite breweries will soon be releasing their holiday ales. It’s as… → Read More

A Lil’ Sumpin Most Random Blog Post Ever

Hello. It’s been awhile since we last talked. But I’m having a rather feisty afternoon, so I thought, “Hey, why not put up a half ass beer review?” Let’s talk about the one time I went to Lagunitas. Yeah. Here. And they didn’t have Sumpin’ Wild. STOCK PHOTO. This is my favorite Lag beer! Have… → Read More

That Time I Went to the Lagunitas Brewery (Like in Petaluma, Ya’ll)

I’d like to start this post by admitting some of my flaws. Because, one of my POSITIVES, is that I can admit them. I get angry if I call or text someone and they don’t pick up. Srsly,where are you? On the other hand, I often do not pick up calls or answer texts. Worst…. → Read More

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