All Posts Tagged With kirin

Epcot Flower and Garden Festival 2014: The Beer
Spring has, well, not yet sprung, but Disney’s finally blessed us with the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival menus for the “outdoor kitchens” (read: booths). Let’s take a look at the beer! Disney starts off pretty well here with Florida Fresh. Here are four Florida beers, three of which aren’t usually found around the resort…. → Read More

Young’s Double Chocolate Stout
Just in time to be removed from the standard beer menu at Walt Disney World (and replaced by Left Hand Milk Stout two weeks later), here’s my review of Young’s Double Chocolate Stout. Wells & Young’s Brewery in Bedford, England, is a result of a merger between Charles Wells Ltd. and Young’s Brewery. Wells is… → Read More

Frozen Kirin in Japan Pavilion
On my last trip to Disney World, I got a chance to try out a new-ish beer offering in the Japan pavilion at Epcot, Frozen Kirin. When I first heard about it, I had imagined a beer slushie. How awesome would that be?! Alas, it was not to be. The Frozen Kirin was a bit… → Read More

Kirin Ichiban
Now I have to admit I did not have too much knowledge about this brewery or beer. Then on my trip to Trader Joe’s I found they have a few of these. I couldn’t help myself but pick a couple of bottles up since one of my favorite things about TJ’s is they sell the… → Read More