Virtual Tasting – Samuel Adams Boston Lager and Kronenbourg 1664

April 18th, 2011 by , , , , and in Disneyland Resort Beer Reviews, Walt Disney World Beer Reviews

Today we present a new feature on Beers and Ears. Since we are spread across the United States, most of us can’t be in the same place at the same time to have beer tastings. Instead, we decided to have virtual tastings where each of us obtains the beer locally, tries it, writes a little about it and sends in a rating. Our rating system is based on the old Disney ticket books. An A-Ticket beer is one to stay away from, while an E-Ticket is among the best beer available in Walt Disney World.

Today’s installment reviews Samuel Adams Boston Lager and Kronenbourg 1664.

Samuel Adams Boston Lager:

Lindsay and Jackie: It’s a good beer in a pinch, and packs a lot of flavor, especially for a beer that is so readily available.

Jenn: Honestly wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy this. I thought I had had it before but it must have been Sam’s Ale. This one was slightly sweet. Had a slight hops aftertaste. Actually liked it and could drink a few more of these.

Scott: So much better than the standard macro brews (Budweiser, etc.). It’s not my favorite beer ever, but it has a nice flavor.

Josh: I wouldn’t typically seek out a Sam’s, but at the same time, I’m not disappointed when I come across one. Good flavor, doesn’t overdo it.

Jackie Jenn Josh Lindsay Scott Final Verdict

Kronenbourg 1664:

Lindsay and Jackie: It’s a good beer, light and easy to drink. It’s got a smooth finish but less overall flavor than our favorite lagers and pilsners.

Jenn: Light, smooth, mild. Didn’t really wow me though. Reminded me of a typical light American beer, but mayyyybe slightly better. Will only probably drink this if it’s the only beer in France while drinking around the world.

Ryan: Man is it good. It’s a lighter lager, and very smooth.

Scott: Light on the flavor but pretty smooth. Drinkable but not very interesting.

Jackie Jenn Lindsay Ryan Scott Final Verdict



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