North Coast Brewing PranQster
June 18th, 2013 by Jenn in Disneyland Resort Beer Reviews
I know in a previous post I mentioned that Uva Bar is one of my favorite places to grab a quick drink and bite at Disneyland. My other favorite? Hands down is Carthay Circle. I’d consider it a place to go to relax for a little bit longer, grab a nice drink, unwind, etc. We had an AMAZING meal there when we went and I’ve been dying to go back since the day we left. Plus we ended up at the Lounge a few times and couldn’t get enough!
One of the beers that caught my eye while in the Carthay Lounge was PranQster. Scott had recommended it before we arrived so of course I had to order it. I mean, the mastermind of this site should know his beer stuff, right? 🙂
I’m a big fan of Belgian Ale’s and this was no different. It was just slightly fruity and sweet from the yeast. Definitely tasted citrusy lemon in the mix. It reminded me a lot of a hefeweizen, which is always a plus in my book. At 7.6%, it didn’t taste “strong”. Drank really smooth and easy. Could definitely drink a lot more of these in a night but there were other things on the menu I had to get through that night!