The 2014 Disney Beer Tournament – Third Round

March 24th, 2014 by in Beer Culture

All voting is closed and the champion has been crowned. Click here to find out who is the 2014 Disney Beer Tournament Champion!


With one week of the Disney Beer Tournament in the books, we’re down to the Sweet 16! Voting will end Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 7:00 PM EDT/6:00 PM CDT.

First, reactions to the first round results:

Kim’s really not happy that both Unibroue beers were eliminated in the first round.

Yuengling moved on to the second round, but was it able to keep going? Let’s start reviewing the results. Here’s the full bracket (as always, click to enlarge).

2014 Beer Tournament Round 3

Mickey region first!

2014 Beer Tournament Round 3 Mickey

Most of the matches here were quite close.

  • Schöfferhofer Grapefruit (#teamgrapefruit) held on in a back and forth match to win over Rogue Dead Guy Ale
  • Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA upset Altenmünster Oktoberfest in order to advance
  • Three votes were the difference between Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA and Key West Sunset Ale, and Racer 5 edged it out to move on
  • Terrapin Hopsecutioner continued its run by taking down Victory Hopdevil IPA

Place your third round Mickey region votes now!

Up next is the Minnie region!

2014 Beer Tournament Round 3 Minnie

These matches weren’t quite as close as the Mickey region overall.

  • The number one seed Cigar City Jai Alai IPA handled Kona Castaway IPA fairly well
  • In the early going Abita Purple Haze was pitching a shutout and beat Ace Apple Hard Cider with the highest vote percentage of the round (78%)

  • Unfortunately, Irish heritage didn’t help Guinness Draught out as Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA pulled away and won the match
  • It only received 55% of the votes, but Kona Fire Rock Pale Ale took out Terrapin Rye Pale Ale

Vote for the Minnie region beers now!

Donald region results are in!

2014 Beer Tournament Round 3 Donald

Some tight matches and some not-so-tight matches in Donald’s second round.

  • The number one seed of the region goes down! Yuengling lost to Cigar City Florida Cracker White Ale, and it wasn’t a very close match
  • Hoegaarden won fairly easily over Radeberger Pilsner
  • A back and forth match between Rogue Dead Guy Ale and Ommegang Three Philosophers ended in an upset as Three Philosophers won by just 13 votes
  • Widmer Hefeweizen didn’t get much of a fight out of Kronenbourg 1664 and moves on to the next round

Vote in the Donald region Sweet Sixteen matches!

Finally, the Goofy region.

2014 Beer Tournament Round 3 Goofy

In the second round we had two very close matches and two matches that weren’t very close.

  • Nine votes separated the winner from the loser in the battle between Chimay Blue and Anchor Steam. This one was close, but the next one was even closer
  • Bell’s Two-Hearted Ale took care of Bass Ale with 68% of votes cast

  • Watch out for flipping tables, because Abita Amber beat Saison Dupont by just three votes. That’s how important these votes can be
  • Finally, Young’s Double Chocolate Stout beat Schöfferhofer Weizen by a fair margin to move on

The Goofy region is the only region where the top four seeds remain. Place your votes for the region’s third round now!

Remember, voting will end March 26, 2014 at 7:00 PM EDT/6:00 PM CDT. Make sure your votes are counted, as these matches will only tend to get tighter as we get closer and closer to crowning a champion!

  • Keith

    Sad to see Dead Guy go down, but Three Philosophers was a worthy foe to which to lose….but can’t believe that Arrogant Bastard lost to some grapefruit juice. I smell a fix!


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