All Posts in the ‘Walt Disney World Trip Articles’ Category

Beer Souvenirs at Walt Disney World
If you’re like me, you’re not a fan of the generic year merchandise and the stuff you can find at nearly every store in Walt Disney World. With the generally family-friendly atmosphere of Walt Disney World, I wasn’t expecting to find much in the way of beer-related souvenirs. To my surprise, this wasn’t exactly the case…. → Read More

Muddy Rivers Pool Bar at Port Orleans Riverside
Something we never seem to do when we’re at Walt Disney World is spend much time at the pool. We spend most of our time in the parks instead. I did, however, stop by the Muddy Rivers Pool Bar one afternoon to check it out. See that guy in the white behind the tree on… → Read More

My original plan for June was to only dine at one table service restaurant we ate at previously. Chef Mickey’s was definitely for the kids and it made it easy to meet the characters. The original plan for Friday, our last night at WDW, was a free evening, and that’s how I made our dining… → Read More

Be Our Guest Restaurant
I recently realized I jumped around a bit here. Chronologically, the infamous evening where we tried to go to Big River was on Wednesday, while our Animal Kingdom/Boma day and Downtown Disney evening were on Tuesday. On Thursday we spent another day in the Magic Kingdom and had dinner at the crown jewel of New… → Read More

A Downtown Disney Evening
After the trip to Boma at Animal Kingdom Lodge, all of us took the bus over to Downtown Disney where we took the Sassagoula River boat back to Port Orleans Riverside. The boat ride is rather nice and it passes Saratoga Springs, the Treehouse Villas, and Port Orleans French Quarter on its way to Riverside…. → Read More

This Was Supposed to be About Big River
If you recall, I was a bit uneasy about heading over to Big River Grille and Brewing Works for dinner on Wednesday instead of dining in Hollywood Studios (ugh…) or somewhere that took reservations. Not all of it was Big River’s fault however. Right as we left Hollywood Studios, we heard thunder as we were… → Read More

Via Napoli
In order to tell my Via Napoli story, it’s important I start with the end. After the meal, our waiter returned with the check, but instead of the check inside there was a slip of paper with “Compliments of Eric” written inside. For those of you who don’t know, Eric Bandauski is the mastermind behind… → Read More

River Roost Lounge at Port Orleans Riverside
After Chef Mickey’s we came back to Port Orleans – Riverside to get the kids settled into bed. However, there were additional matters to take care of on our first night in the World. A couple of weeks prior to our trip, my sister’s boyfriend decided he would propose on the trip, and the first… → Read More

Scott’s June Walt Disney World Trip: The Extras
With under two weeks to go, the Magical Express tags are here and it’s only a matter of packing and time before we head to Disney World! I’m starting to get in that stage of checking and rechecking to make sure we have everything (even though in some cases I know I already have it)…. → Read More

Scott’s June Walt Disney World Trip: The Restaurants Part 2
We’re under 70 days until our family trip to Walt Disney World, so let’s take a look at the rest of the table service restaurants we’re planning to dine in. Previously I’ve discussed the resort, Port Orleans Riverside, and the restaurants for the first part of the trip. Wednesday will be our Disney-MGM, I mean… → Read More