Muddy Rivers Pool Bar at Port Orleans Riverside

September 16th, 2013 by in Walt Disney World Locations, Walt Disney World Trip Articles

Something we never seem to do when we’re at Walt Disney World is spend much time at the pool. We spend most of our time in the parks instead. I did, however, stop by the Muddy Rivers Pool Bar one afternoon to check it out.


See that guy in the white behind the tree on the left? He was repainting the railing on the bar. Nice to see maintenance going on!

First off, Ol’ Man Island (which is the main pool at Riverside), what is up with your music during the day? Instead of the awesome jazz that plays during most of the day, such as:

We instead have to suffer with songs such as:

At least it’s not Miley’s new “Wrecking Ball” song, but it ruins the atmosphere in the afternoon. By the way, putting Nicolas Cage’s head on Miley makes “Wrecking Ball” much more enjoyable.

Over at Muddy Rivers, nestled off to the side of Ol’ Man Island in the oak trees, for the most part the beer is standard pool bar fare.



Abita Amber and Turbodog Taps

Not much to get thrilled about on that menu. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is pretty good and Kona Longboard is decent. Sam Adams’ seasonal beer is also available and depending on the time of year it can be nice. However, in addition to the pool bar menu Muddy Rivers also serves Abita on draft!

Abita Amber, Turbodog, and Purple Haze are all available on draft at the pool bar. Along with the beers noted above, they’re probably your best choices here. Of the three, I’d grab a Turbodog first. It’s a brown ale with roasted and chocolate flavors, so if you’re not a fan of those try one of the other two.

I’d imagine I would enjoy Muddy Rivers a lot more with the normal jazz soundtrack. The pool party soundtrack just doesn’t do it for me at all. I should have kept better track of when the pool party soundtrack was on, but if I remember right it went on into the evening. I’m not sure how possible it is to have a peaceful drink at Muddy Rivers, but you can always get Abita on draft and the somewhat better standard bar menu at River Roost Lounge.

Over on my photo site, I’ve just posted a set of photos from Hollywood Studios and the BoardWalk. Be sure to head over and check them out!

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