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The 2015 Disney Beer Tournament – Third Round

Note: The third round is now closed! Please vote in the fifth round of the 2015 Disney Beer Tournament! With two rounds complete, we’ve pared down the field of 64 vying for the Disney Beer Tournament championship to just sixteen beers! Voting will end at 6:00 PM Central Daylight Time Wednesday, March 25, 2015! Most of the… → Read More

The 2015 Disney Beer Tournament – Second Round

Note: The second round is now closed! Please vote in the fifth round of the 2015 Disney Beer Tournament! Round one of the 2015 Disney Beer Tournament is finished, and the theme is… CHAOS!!! [responsive_youtube] The second round starts this morning and ends at 6:00 PM Central Daylight Time Sunday, March 22. However, before we get to… → Read More

The 2015 Disney Beer Tournament – First Round

Note: The first round is now closed! Please vote in the fifth round of the 2015 Disney Beer Tournament! March Madness is back! No, not the basketball tournament. The fourth edition of the Disney Beer Tournament is here with a fresh field of 64 beers battling it out until we have a new champion! As usual,… → Read More

Saint Arnold Divine Reserve 15 and Bishop’s Barrel 8

This review was supposed to go up yesterday, but things happened and it didn’t. Sorry about that. We’ve all pretty much moved on from the Super Bowl by now I believe, but those were some of most depressing ads ever. Yes, I’m looking at you Nationwide. Lots of controversy in the craft beer community over the… → Read More

Ads and Such (or Why Am I Seeing Ads?)

A little housekeeping this morning. Undoubtedly you’ve already noticed an ad either above the article or at the top right corner. After long deliberations on how best to proceed, I think I’ve come up with a solution for ads that’s not too intrusive and keeps the ads relevant rather than whatever random ad Google might… → Read More

Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale

Happy New Year! Not too long ago Disney updated its standard beer menu. We’ve mentioned it on social media and updated our beer list with the new information (check out a page like Chef Mickey’s to see the new standard menu), but we haven’t really looked at the new beers yet. Some, like Lagunitas IPA,… → Read More

Einstök Icelandic Doppelbock

What’s this?  Jenn is actually posting a Disney beer review???  I know, I’m just about as shocked as all of you guys are.  I keep saying I need to post more on here (as I’m sure Scott is tired of hearing as well) but it’s true. So anyways, while in Hollywood Studios two weeks ago,… → Read More

App Review: Next Glass

It’s been a while since we’ve done an app review. However, the app Next Glass recently caught my attention because it claims it will be able to tell you if you’ll like a beer or wine before you buy it. Next Glass does this by examining the chemistry of the beer. The first thing it has… → Read More

Raglan Road Beer Menu Update!

We don’t write an article every time we update the beer lists. The truth is they’re updated whenever we either see changes or get information on changes as best we can. However, when a location makes big improvements for the better, it’s important to point it out. The menu to the right is the new beer… → Read More

2014 Pumpkin Beer Recap

I’ve had several pumpkin beers this fall. Instead of writing a bunch of articles on them, I’m going do a recap instead to clear the slate a bit as the holiday beers start to appear in stores (Brown Shugga’, I’m waiting for you). Southern Tier Warlock Warlock is the imperial stout version of Southern Tier’s Pumking,… → Read More

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